Tag Archives: dream

Your Dream Body Now, With These Tips

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Losing weight is more than just improving your outer appearance. Losing weight can also give you more energy and improve your quality of life. Many things will help you lose weight, so if you need to just lose a few pounds or 100 pounds, the following tips will prove to be of great assistance.

One weight-loss or weight-maintenance tip people have adopted is to change the size of their dishes and cutlery. We switched from the regular dinner plates to luncheon plates, and similarly, downsized our flatware to salad forks and teaspoons. As a result, our portions have become automatically smaller, and we eat less, but the plate still looks full. People who want more food, and who don’t need to lose weight, can take second helpings. But we’ve found that, psychologically, it is much more satisfying to be able to take a full plate of food, and have the …