Stress is a four letter word, with six letters. Stress is a burden that everyone must bear. Sometimes it can be avoided but sometimes you have to face it. Your approach to stress determines how it will influence you. If you would like to know how you can manage your stress better, keep on reading.
One way to reduce stress is to perform repairs. Now, imagine that you have multiple repairs that need done! If you had repaired these items as they broke, you wouldn’t have to deal with the stress of finding workarounds and repairing multiple things at once!
Being active is one of the greatest ways to alleviate stress. This is not a easy fix, but rather a continuous method to make your life a little less stressful. Exercise is a great stress reliever. Not only that, it makes you feel so much happier, and allows you to be in control of some part of your life.
Listening to music is an effective stress reliever. The sounds of music are very powerful. Most experts agree that music alone has the ability to calm, soothe and melt away tension. Since everyone likes different types of music, it is crucial to find the variety that will help your stress slowly slip away.
If you are using unhealthy habits to deal with stress, look for better and healthier habits for yourself. For example, if you generally smoke whenever you are stressed, why not just take a walk around the block instead. When you replace a bad habit with a good one and stay healthy, you will see that the stress in your every day life is significantly lowered.
Everything funny, whether it’s a joke you hear or something that happened to you, goes in this book. Your humor journal can be fun to review later, and more importantly, the very act of recording funny, positive memories will focus your mind on them and make them stick.
Concentrate on your breathing when stressful situations arise. Count to ten or simply wait a few seconds while breathing as deeply and calmly as possible. This proactive method will allow you to remain calm and handle the situation without being defensive.
To eliminate stress naturally, try leading a healthier lifestyle. Eating better, exercising regularly and getting plenty of sleep will make it easier to avoid stress. Moreover, if you take proper care of your body, you’ll feel better both physically and mentally, which will help you remain calm when an otherwise stressful situation arises.
Do something nice for someone you know to help stay calm. Go get flowers for a loved one, make a special treat for your child, or give a bit of money to a homeless person. If you are surrounded with happy people that you love and that love you, small stresses will seem less important.
Try to avoid creating stress by managing your time better. Constant rushing, or always being late, will feed the cycle of stress. It is easy to get yourself organized and find the time you need. By planning out tasks ahead of time, sticking to your schedule and working with the time management tools you find the most effective, you can get way more done while avoiding stress and overwhelm.
Take yourself out of any difficult situation. Focus on repeating adages and affirmations to boost your confidence and reinforce your sense of control.
Listening to soft music with closed eyes can be a great way to relax. Anything that soothes the senses tends to alleviate some of the tension and stress you are dealing with. Calming music like classical or jazz have an almost immediate effect on how you are feeling. As you listen to it with your eyes shut, your mind will wander to a more pleasant state. Listening to music is an easy way to manage daily stress.
If you’re feeling stressed, have a bite to eat. Serotonin, a brain chemical that lifts your moods, can be stimulated by foods that contain carbohydrates. A slice of whole wheat bread, a granola bar, or even an oatmeal cookie may make it easier to keep stress at bay.
Olfactory Senses
Use aromatherapy daily to reduce stress. Your olfactory senses are considered to be quite powerful. Your olfactory senses will send soothing, relaxing signals to your brain to help you fight stress if you take in soothing smells such as chamomile or lavender. Scented candles can fill your room with these relaxing smells.
Brilliant organization skills are important if you want some stress reduction. Stress often happens during ordinary times when you can’t find what you’re looking for or you forget an important appointment. Things like this can change your entire day. If you improve your organizational skills, you will be able to regain some control over your life, and subsequently your stress levels should decrease.
Finding and contemplating pleasant imagery can reduce stress. Simple images such as mountains or gardens can put your mind in a state of tranquility. If you have no images handy, try closing your eyes and imagining the peaceful setting of your choice. By imagining that you are in those surroundings, your body will start to unwind and relax.
There are things you can do to successfully deal with your stress. Although it is not realistic to think you can avoid stress entirely, much of it can be reduced and you can adopt measures to cope with it effectively. Your quality of life depends on the way you react to what stresses you, so learn to control your stress. Your health and happiness depend on it.